For the Mane Man...

Updated: Sep 24, 2021

You say you want the best products to help grow and maintain your beard so look no further!

We chose to make chemical free, all natural, man friendly products because we wanted to create a check to fit the bill just for you! We know that it is important to eliminate the bearddruff, soften and even nurture the hair on your face so we have chosen ingredients with the nutrients, weight, smell, and benefits to make that happen!

It is important to ensure you are cleansing your beard regularly. A fairly recent study had men running to the razor when it found that men’s beards can carry as much fecal matter or similar bacteria as a toilet. More recent studies suggest that actually your beard may help fight against antibiotic resistance. The least we can do if offer that because hair can hold dirt and your face is the last place you would want it held, it is pretty safe to say a regular wash is likely a great idea! Our body wash is a 3-in-1 all natural cleanser that not only helps to get rid of bacteria but also works to replenish any of the nutrients lost from those rough days and harsh ingredients from many of the chemical and dye laced products sold commercially.

The body wash and Black Body Bar are created with the use of meticulously selected essential oils to assist with acne, sensitive skin, and is great for men of ALL ethnicities and nationalities!

As important as it is to cleanse your beard, it is equally as important to restore your beard to minimize the damaged, dry, and brittle hair that create the frazzled unhealthy look. That is why the Sandalwood Beard & Mustache Comb is a great addition to your line up.

Speaking of line up, what is a well-groomed beard without a proper line up which, for you do it yourself-ers, somewhere between our awesome looking well balanced black and gold razor shavette & our 6 blade razor made with an Aloe strip you can find that sweet spot of proper line up!

Once you are shaved, try our Signature Mustache & beard oil

as well as our Frankincense & Myrrh Aftershave & Body Mist made with witch hazel to allow you to embrace your beard where other alcohol based products may create issues for sensitive skin.

Lastly, the sandalwood beard and mustache comb is designed to maintain healthy conditioned hair. So head over to our grooming page, grab what you need or save a few bucks by checking out or eclectic essentials gift set which also comes with a handy black micro fiber cloth.

If you’d like the option to opt for the Black Clay Body Bar or switch out the Sandalwood & Lime Body Wash for Cedarwood & Tangerine or our Eucalyptus Mint feel free to shoot us an email and we would be happy to customize the set to suit your liking and invoice you instead. No matter what the case, please know we want you to walk away looking your best and feeling like the best bearded man you

can be!