Summer Beard Care

Although traditionally known for Winter warmth, the current trends show that beards are here to stay year round. Keeping your beard healthy and looking good when the heat and humidity of the summer months sets in is critical to maintaining that well-groomed look.

The most important factor is your personal grooming habits, we recommend that making the initial investment in a good trimming tool is absolutely needed which is why we carry the 6 blade shaving razor with an aloe strip or a shavette if you prefer a straight razor shave. Shaggy and unkempt beards can change your entire look. If you do not possess the skill to trim your beard, your local barber can keep you looking top notch for a small fee!

Secondly traditional soaps and face washes can dry out the coarser hairs that make up your beard. We recommend a great beard wash or a moisturizing shampoo to keep this stubborn area clean. For this, the 4oz body wash is 3-in-1 hair, face, and body wash that makes for an excellent and very pleasant smelling washing agent. Once clean, Millenheirs Beard Balm can help soften and keep the beard under control - especially when it gets too hot. Be sure to get it directly into your beard and on the skin underneath as well but maintain a clean face steering clear of too much oil in your pores otherwise. Add our Beard Oil and keep the coarser hair completely moisturized as well for an added bonus or a lighter weight alternative once your wash is complete.

In addition to keeping clean and moisturized, just like the hair on top of your head - keeping a longer beard style combed and groomed is important as well. Keeping a beard and mustache comb handy at all times can help keep you appearance well maintained and on point. The Sandalwood Beard & Mustache comb is the perfect tool for this and fits perfectly in your pocket for easy carrying.

Finally, keeping your beard style current and with the times is always the finishing touch. Do not be afraid to continually change the style up. It grows back! In fact, keeping it healthy is all the more reason it will grow back, often more full and strong. It might be more comfortable to trim down your beard and shorten the style up for the summer months. As the summer progresses - start the growth process late summer.

Beards definitely will never truly go out of style and keeping up the grooming is an important part of maintaining your personal style.